Arjun Iyer

Arjun is an environmental scientist based in Washington, DC. He has lived, worked, and studied across five continents as a scientific researcher, wildlife biologist, and environmental educator. His love for nature was inspired by his parents, who grew up in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu, India. Their proximity to nature and deep respect for the environment have been his greatest sources of inspiration. Arjun hopes to use visual media and storytelling to inspire people to care for our precious wild places.

Soumya Mishra

Soumya is a physician based in the Washington, DC area. She has devoted her career to caring for underserved communities across the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. She has a keen eye for detail and, with her trusty binoculars, can spot the most camouflaged animal from far away. Her adventures off the beaten path have enriched her understanding of rural healthcare, indigenous environmental stewardship, and human-wildlife conflict. 

Theia, Lola, and Bagheera

Theia, Lola, and Bagheera are the most important members of the Iyer Family. Lola, an incredibly sweet and fluffy cat, is the oldest sister who works tirelessly to keep our house in order. Bagheera, a scrawny and scrappy middle (cat) child, always seems to be getting herself in trouble. Last but not least, our puppy Theia (pictured) is the newest and most energetic addition to our family. The love and cuddles from these three keep us going every day and we are so lucky to have them in our lives!